TripleWin raises the importance of corporate sustainability with corporate boards and makes the business case to pursue it strategically.
Corporate Boards
The business case for pursuing sustainability and deepening a company’s commitment to material ESG issues has never been clearer. Public company boards need to understand the differences between ESG and corporate sustainability, be able to speak the language of impact investors, and employ the levers at their command to guide their companies’ sustainability strategies for ultimate financial and reputational impact.
Privately Held Boards
Boards of privately-held companies have to weigh growth and profitability alongside the social and environmental objectives of their management teams, workforces and organizational customers. Decisions around what, where and when to invest in sustainability is in constant tension with other business objectives. TripleWin helps build the case for boards and executive leadership on how to start, progress and deepen their sustainability journeys in ways that makes sound financial and strategic sense.
ESG Journey

In their words

"We engaged Triplewin to perform our first carbon inventory and to present to our board on the importance of ESG generally and how it affects and benefits our business. The information provided was both thorough and insightful and has been invaluable in helping Megaport develop a coherent ESG roadmap."
TripleWin was contracted to deliver an hour-long presentation to the Board of a publicly-held internet software and services company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with a global footprint, to discuss what ESG is, why it matters, and the long-term value a strong ESG strategy brings to corporations.