Speaking Engagements

TripleWin leads with its thought-leadership.

Consider one of TripleWin’s sustainability experts to speak at your next company event, conference, summit or academic course. Our sustainability leads speak on topics ranging from corporate sustainability, ESG, decarbonization, climate change, business circularity, carbon capture, sustainable data centers and more.

A selection of Speaking Topics

The What-Why-How of Business Circularity:

Understand the tenets of business circularity; the value in its pursuit from a multi-stakeholder point of view; and how to employ circularity measures within your organization’s supply chain, processes, and go-to-market product and service strategies.

Opening the Corporate Kimono with Carbon Inventories:

Organizational footprints allow companies to baseline their impact on the environment. By conducting a carbon accounting of a company’s entire supply chain – both upstream and downstream – a company can uncover the carbon “hot spots” in how it does business and seize opportunities to significantly reduce their environmental footprints, change behaviors and processes for the better, and to build closer, more strategic relationships with one’s suppliers and partners.

Stakeholder Capitalism begins with Materiality Assessments:

The most innovative, progressive and highest-valued companies – today and tomorrow – are the ones that are driven by purpose, highly transparent, and take a stakeholder-approach to their Brands, business models and growth strategies. Learn how to utilize and leverage a materiality assessment to build longevity and resilience into your company’s operations.

Sustainability Roadmapping: Marrying Vision with Action:

“Vision without action is useless. But action without vision does not know where to go or why to go there. Vision is absolutely necessary to guide and motivate action.” – Donella H. Meadows. Understand how to roadmap a sustainability strategy that aligns your company’s disparate efforts, sets lofty but achievable goals, and allows your organization to meet with success, a.k.a.: a company and a world aligned with the Paris-climate goals.

How to Motivate and Connect Employees to Sustainability:

Build the ‘Sustainability Muscle’ of Your Employees. Organizations that take corporate sustainability seriously are equally committed to progressing the sustainability knowledge of their employees. Support your employee’s capacity-building around sustainability measures they can employ in their own lives. Provide them with the frameworks and tools needed to implement personal sustainability measures successfully. Empower them to be sustainability power players in their own lives!

Connecting What You Value to Sustainability:

Connect what you value today with sustainability initiatives that reinforce your personal values. Learn how to kick start your individual knowledge-building around sustainability measures to take that are personally meaningful, actionable and impactful all year long.

Upcoming Events

2024 Green Sports Alliance Summit

June 11-13, 2023

Los Angeles, CA

Kate Gaertner, CEO at TripleWin will be speaking at the Summit on “Building a Strategic Sustainability Action Plan: A Practical Guide for Teams and Venues” from 2-4 pm PST on Wednesday, June 12.

Past Events

ReFED Food Waste Solutions Summit

2023 Food Waste Solutions Summit Hosted by ReFED. St. Louis, MO, May 16-18, 2023 Kate Gaertner will be speaking at the event on “Food Waste

MBA course: “Business & Climate”

University of Indiana – BloomingtonApril 11, 2023 Kate Gaertner will be speaking to graduate students about materiality assessments and the challenges of GHG inventories.

Forum for Naturals

TripleWin spoke to group of CMOs and CSO’s on what a typical sustainability journey is for organizations.

StockX Earth Day

Detroit Michigan TripleWin delivered keynote address to company’s global workforce

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