
We are proud of the work we do with our progressive corporate clients. Take a moment to explore the case studies featured below.

Category // Courses

Optime Care

Company Green Team Shifts from Learning to Doing in Cultivate Sustainability Course

TripleWin’s Educational Team facilitated a seven-week asynchronous Cultivate course customized for Optime Care’s Green Team employees. Learn More >>
Category // Carbon Inventory


Commuting to Work is 4X More Carbon Intensive Than Working From Home, Carbon Inventory Finds

Recognizing the need for robust and comprehensive data, Omnipresent turned to TripleWin to conduct its first carbon inventory. Learn More >>
Category // ESG Ratings Assessment


Megaport's ESG Assessment Spurs Concrete Sustainability Measures

In the realm of investor decisions, ESG ratings have never been more pivotal. Eager to spur growth in key regional markets — including possibly listing in the U.S. — Megaport aimed to expand its investor pool to include climate and social impact investors. Learn More >>
Category // Waste Audit

Kozy Shack

How Kozy Shack Produced a Bounty of Waste-Saving Ideas with Financial Upside

In partnership with the World Wildlife Fund and the Pacific Coast Food Waste Commitment, TripleWin designed and implemented a waste audit and prevention program meant to jumpstart the company’s progress toward its targets. Learn More >>
Category // Employee Engagement

Land O'Lakes

Kickstart a Waste Reduction Culture by Engaging Employees the Right Way

Land O’Lakes is committed to reducing food waste across its value chain, from food loss at the farm and distribution levels to loss of organic ingredients during the manufacturing stage. TripleWin developed an employee engagement program to educate and empower all employees to contribute meaningfully to the company’s waste reduction targets over the short and long terms.Learn More >>
Category // Climate Analyses

Stock X

A Digital Marketplace Gains Financial Clarity for Becoming Net-Zero

StockX initially sought TripleWin's expertise in 2021 to fortify its ESG initiatives ahead of a planned IPO. TripleWin delivered a comprehensive carbon inventory, materiality assessment, and sustainability roadmap to support the company’s strategic business objectives. Learn More >>
Category // Climate Disclosures


Navigating Urgency and Complexity: How TripleWin Supported AVI-SPL's Rapid CDP Disclosure

In the fast-evolving landscape of corporate sustainability, companies large and small are facing growing demands to disclose their climate footprint data. AVI-SPL found itself in just such a position last year when one of its key clients requested climate disclosures from its supply chain partners. Learn More >>
Category // Sustainability Roadmap


Prepare Your Company for Industry Leadership with This High-Level Strategy

Having completed a carbon inventory and materiality assessment with TripleWin, StockX was ready to take the next step: integrating the company’s environmental “E”, social “S” and governance “G” priorities into a strategic sustainability roadmap for itself. Learn More >>
Category // Course Development

Bob's Red Mill

If You Want to Reduce Operational Waste Quickly and Cheaply, Engage Employees

Through partnership with the Pacific Coast Food Waste Commitment and the World Wildlife Fund, we developed a pilot for Bob's Red Mill. We engaged employees in identifying measures to prevent food waste in the company’s operations. Learn More >>
Category // Waste Audit

Bob's Red Mill

The Power of Quick Wins: Employee Idea Cuts Food Manufacturing Waste by 70%

Bob’s Red Mill wanted to understand how it could more effectively prevent food losses from happening in the first place. Preventing food loss in the milling, processing, and packaging stages of its operations would yield a triple-win: financial, environmental, and social benefits to the company and its stakeholders. Learn More >>
Category // Circular Business Modeling

Linux Foundation

How a Tech Leader is Becoming a Sustainable Events Leader

TripleWin was hired to work with this open-sourcing non-profit that hosts more than 200 global events annually, to build a framework and methodology for greening its in-person events, with a focus on zero food waste and material revalorization. Learn More >>
Category // Circular Business Modeling

Winky Lux

An Innovative Post-Consumer Recycling Program with Financial Upside

TripleWin built a financial business case for a global makeup and skincare company to allow its customers to recycle its product packaging at the end-of-life. Learn More >>
Category // Material Mapping

Winky Lux

Guiding Supplier Engagements with Material Mapping Insights

TripleWin was hired to to perform a detailed analysis of all the materials sourced in the development of its beauty, makeup and skincare products, particularly focused on componentry and secondary packaging. Learn More >>
Category // Carbon Inventory

Bob's Red Mill

Bob's Red Mill’s First Carbon Inventory Reveals Most-Impactful Areas for Improvement

TripleWin performed a baseline carbon inventory for Bob’s Red Mill, in order for the company to prepare to set science-based targets for itself. Learn More >>
Category // Circular Business Modeling


A Cost-Effective Way to Build an End-of-Life Recycling Program for Consumer Products

A beauty product disrupter with a national footprint that designs durable and recyclable consumer products, TripleWin helped it build a post-consumer product recycling program so that its metals materials return to the global supply chain. Learn More >>
Category // Carbon Inventory

Stock X

How a Digital Marketplace Halved its Carbon Intensity in a Single Year

For this high-growth digital platform that moves physical product twice in its value chain, TripleWin’s Carbon Inventory uncovered a host of carbon emissions reducing initiatives that doubled as business differentiators. Learn More >>
Category // Materiality Assessment

Stock X

Uncover Risk and Seize Valuable Opportunities with these Stakeholder Engagement Tools

TripleWin kicked off a four-month-long materiality assessment for StockX. A materiality assessment is an incisive, strategic tool for uncovering the most relevant and pressing ESG topics for both the company and their stakeholders. Learn More >>
Category // Carbon Inventory

Brew Dr. Kombucha

A Revealing Carbon Assessment of Brew Dr. Kombucha’s Supply Chain

TripleWin is optimizing businesses. Read about the Scope 3 GHG Inventory we performed for a high-growth beverage maker. Learn More >>