What, another tax?  Carbon Tax versus Cap-and-Trade:  the quick on each.

Borrowing phraseology from The Week Magazine, the below may be seen as ‘Boring but Important’ and also…critical at this moment in history.

Perhaps, more relevant, given the momentum in Oregon to vote on some form of a Cap-and-Trade for Industry during the legislature’s short-session this February (2018), below is worth a quick read.

Which Type of Tax is Preferable?

You’ve probably heard both terms at various times if you’ve been following discussions about how to mitigate climate change.  Carbon Tax is a fairly simple concept to understand but it is a hot potato politically.  Cap and Trade is a market-driven (and hence, more palatable to conservative-minded capitalists) approach to regulating atmosphere-polluting industries (think:  paper mills, electric utilities, cement producers) but its implementation is complicated and more opaque to understand.  Both methods to tax carbon extraction and use are important and can be very effective in significantly cutting CO2 emissions into the atmosphere; which gives us a fighting chance to dramatically reduce greenhouse-gas emissions at the state and national level in order to make our personal (and yes, we should all consider the impacts of climate change personally) contribution to the global goal (a.k.a. the Paris Climate Accord of 2015) of keeping the earth’s global temperature rise below 2o C from pre-industrial levels. Below is a quick cheat-sheet, so to speak, on Carbon and Cap-and-Trade Tax schemes.  Schemes in this sense are how these tax systems operate or function.

The quick on Carbon Tax:

The quick on Cap-and-Trade:

Awareness and Citizen Activism Make a Difference

Lobbying efforts to congressmen by citizens about our feelings and preferences for these carbon tax options are worthwhile. 

See below for the Cap-and-Trade Law currently in place in California:



Note: Oregon has introduced a Cap-and-Trade bill in the House for consideration:  House Bill 2135:  https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2135

Greater citizen and industry awareness and support of the bill are necessary precursors for the mitigation of climate change.

Contact Kate Gaertner today to see what Triple Win Advisory can do to help your business and industry increase sustainability to result in a “triple win” for company profit and long-term competitive advantage, societal well-being, and successful environmental pollution mitigation.
