It’s Smart Business to Develop a Climate Change Strategy

Climate action plan info-graphic to illustrate Kate Gaertner's blog

Climate Change Threats Are Real, Not a “Hoax” The threats and impacts from climate change today and for the future to communities urban and rural, large and small, and both Republican- and Democratic-leaning are very real.  Being a non-believer does not omit you from climate change’s repercussions.  Negative impacts are happening, intensifying and becoming more […]

The Skinny on Carbon Tax

smokestacks for triple win advisory sustainable business

What, another tax?  Carbon Tax versus Cap-and-Trade:  the quick on each. Borrowing phraseology from The Week Magazine, the below may be seen as ‘Boring but Important’ and also…critical at this moment in history. Perhaps, more relevant, given the momentum in Oregon to vote on some form of a Cap-and-Trade for Industry during the legislature’s short-session […]

A New Carbon Platform: Ethereum?

Carbon footprint image

The Skinny on Fossil Fuel Fossil fuels are carbon energies. Those carbon energies are gas, natural gas, oil and coal. Don’t forget: shale gas (a.k.a. horizontal drilling and hydro fracking) is also included in this mix. So, when we hear talk about carbon taxation, that’s what it is referring to: our use of gas, natural gas, oil, and coal […]

The Fallacy of Endless Economic Growth

green growth chart for triple win advisory sustainable business

GDP as Standard-Bearer Countries and economies are all assessed on how much incremental growth has accrued over the last analyzed period – usually quarterly and annually – to determine if an economy is growing, getting better, doing well, progressing, and being “productive”. That incremental growth is encapsulated in the analytic metric of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP […]