- Design Optimization
- Waste Reduction
- 3D (Additive) Manufacturing
- Optimize weight & volume requirements
- Employ optimized freight routing
- Improve aerodynamics of transport tractors & trailers
- Maximize truckload volumes
Use predictive data on real-time
traffic patterns - Switch to hybrid & electric trucking fleets
- Execute "customer pick-up" models
- Seek out "collaborative logistics" opportunities to maximize freight backfilling
- Employ optimized
freight routing - Improve aerodynamics of transport tractors & trailers
- Maximize truckload volumes
Use predictive data on
real-time traffic patterns - Switch to hybrid & electric trucking fleets
- Execute "customer
pick-up" models - Seek out "collaborative logistics" opportunities to maximize freight backfilling
- Employ optimized freight routing
- Improve aerodynamics of transport tractors & trailers
- Maximize truckload volumes
Use predictive data on real-time
traffic patterns - Switch to hybrid & electric trucking fleets
- Execute "customer pick-up" models
- Seek out "collaborative logistics" opportunities to maximize freight backfilling
Reduce water use
- Recycle process water
- Water desalination
- High efficiency appliances
- Compost toilets
Reduce energy use
- Solar microgrids
- On-site RE generation
- Waste-to-Energy
Reduce water use
- HE appliances
Greywater use for HVAC systems
and toilets
Reduce energy use
- LED lighting
- Smart lighting systems
- Programmable thermostats
- Solar microgrids
- On-site renewable energy generation
- Waste-to-energy
- Efficient HVAC systems
Thermal envelope upgrades
and storage - Drain heat recovery mechanisms
- Peak shaving
- Automatize / Robotize fulfillment processes
Reduce waste
- Buy reusables
- Use durables
- Recycle plastic, glass, paper & metals
- Compost food waste
Reduce fossil fuel use
- Renewable energy certificates (RECs)
- Carbon offsets
- Green tariffs
- On-site generation
- PPAs & vPPAs
- Waste-to-Energy
Community solar &
green bonds - Biogas digesters
Source renewable energy
- PV Solar
- Solar thermal
- Micro-hydro
- Small wind
Reduce water use
- Refillable water stations
- Watersense faucets & toilets
- High efficiency appliances
- Smart & drip irrigation
- Xeriscape landscape
- Bioswales & rain gardens
- Roof gardens
- Water cistern capture
- Graywater reuse for HVAC systems & toilets
Reduce energy use
- LED lighting
- Dimmables
- Smart lighting systems
- Daylighting
- Programmable thermostats
- Efficient HVAC systems
Thermal envelope upgrades
& storage - Drain heat recovery mechanisms
- Peak shaving